Thursday, June 12, 2008

My Power Core Isn't Over-Heating Any More

The heat has broken my friends and just in time. This little gamelover almost turned into a puddle of New York mud. Now, let's see here....

How much does it cost to represent video games in legislative circles? According to Associated Press, about $714,000, or in gaming terms, the sweetest entertainment room you have ever seen. The Entertainment Software Association spent this chunk of change to lobby for piracy targeting, protection of intellectual property and of course, parental control. You can read the entire article here:

The Suit Says,
Over at Peter Moore's EA Sports blog, he takes time out of his busy day as president to share his thoughts with us. Very nice of him, however, the post is pretty boring so I shall spin a quick paraphrase for you. Ahem.Blah Blah Blah, NBA, Blah Blah Blah, 2008 Finals, Blah Blah Blah, Lakers, Celtics, Blah. Blah.Moore launches into how successful EA Sports was in 2007 and even offers the reader a few bullet points to guide them through the piles of success. However, a golden nugget of information in found near the end. Moore states that things look good for future releases of NHL and FIFA, but that is all this sneaky little prezo will say. You can read all about his enthusiasm for this year's NBA Finals here:

I love it when women writers break into mainstream gaming publications and Megan VanBurkleo is one of them. Chicas represent! Check out her feature entitled: Mascots: Where Are They Now at Game

Fresh off of his Heavenly Sword success, Tameem Antoniades, creative director and co-founder of Ninja Theory ltd. found time to sit down with Game Industry and share his love of combining cinematic effects and video games. Computer graphic geeks will love this sit-down because Antoniades goes really deep into the art of CG and creating human emotion with computer graphics. Check out the entire interview here:

From Airtight Games, developers of Crimson Skies for the original Xbox, comes Dark Void. Shipping who knows when (expect more info during E3) on a to be determined platform (All Game Guide says 360 and PS3), Dark Void finds players scaling the cliffs of an alien planet to fight an alien race with other survivors of "The Void." With an emphasis on vertical combat, gamers can use a rocket pack to navigate the foreign terrain or hump their way over rocks and gravel. A preview and some nice-looking screenshots are available at

Ok I'm outsies for today guys. Gotta look for a job and do some dishes. I hate dishes.


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