Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bleh 2.0

Hey Gamers,
I'm not feeling particularly witty today, so my news today will be very objective. Just feeling my poorness a little, and fantasizing about the emoluments that come from a steady office job - but then I can't type in my pyjamas.

While my memories of the Village People include a pair of rollerskates and the best damn arm-created C you have ever seen, future generations may remember those macho men in a videogame cameo. Randy Jones, the original cowboy from the Village People is lending his likeness to Postal 3 as the leader of a gay biker gang. (Can I giggle or is that not PC?) From Running With Sissors, the Postal 3 ships in 2009 for the 360, PS3 and PC/Mac. Check out the full release and the Postal 3 website here:

"oh hunnie! I've always wanted a pair of fur mittens!"
Anyone in a third world country listening? ok good, cause they would probably be kind of pissed to know that instead of slapping a logo on a bag of rice dropped from an aid plane, media and venture capital firms are instead spending their money ($345 million to be exact) on creating a presence on social networking sites. You can read more about the gigantic waste of money here:

E3 is just around the corner! Since the great fan-boy ban of 2007, any game-lover must wait for their favorite website to post whatever information they deem newsworthy. Yes my friends, your news is given to you in doctor-directed doses. Before I continue to divulge the dirty cesspool of journalism villanry, let me just give you the link to E3 Insider here and you can make your own conclusions about what games you want to play:

Virtual Villagers update -
I killed my first round of survivors. We ran out of food. Don't ever ask me to lead your expedition. So I started again, this time with the tutorial, and everyone is still alive. Even with the tutorial, my poor little natives ate nothing but mushrooms for awhile after the honey ran out and before the banana tree grew up. I was really worried! As for this research, I personally think it is a waste of time. If points were not involved I would close down the lab and make my scientist help the two retard builders finish the hut already.

Laundry sucks - I'm out.

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